Xmas / New Year Trading Hours 24/25
Sun 22 Closed Tues 24th | 7am- 12pm
Wed 25th,Thurs 26th | Closed
Tues 31st Dec | 7am – 5:30pm
Wed 1st Jan | Closed
Thursday 2nd Jan – onwards | normal hours
How much do you appreciate your father?
Well why not give him one of our special gift packs and make fathers day 2022 a day to remember!
We have a range of options to suit any discerning chap with meat and wine pairings and a wide range of breakfast options.
Order them today on our online order form.

Christmas TRADING HOURS 2021
Friday 24th December – Open 7am – 12pm
Saturday 25th, Sunday 26th, Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th – Closed
Tuesday 28th to Friday 31st December – Open 7am – 5pm
Sat 1st Jan – Monday 3rd Jan – Closed
Tuesday 4th Jan onwards – Ordinary trading hrs
Wishing all our customers, family and friends a wonderful festive season!
Let Goodwood Quality Meats help you make Christmas 2021 truly memorable.
Our turkeys are free range from the Watson family of Pooginagoric in the South East and have been supplying our shop for over 20 years. They range from 3.5kg to 8kg and the turkey breasts are in 2 sizes from 1 kg to 1.5kg and 1.8kg to 2.5kg.
Our ham is exclusively South Australian and only female pork and all free range or pasture fed. We have had the same recipe for over 15 years using redgum smoke with a mixture of beechwood which takes a little of the bitterness out of the smoke and gives it a really full flavour.
Sizes go from 3kg to 3.5kg and then in 500 g increments up to about 8 kilos.
We will have a full range of seafood including prawns and crayfish, all South Australian.
We also do a full range of free range duck breast and whole ducks up to about 2.2 kg and we carry duck fat and goose fat which is perfect for potatoes at xmas or indeed any time.
This year we have 1 kg xmas puddings and 1.4 kg xmas plum puddings.
All our puddings are made by Dave and his mum ad have been since he was a wee lad. We have a limited supply of these so get in early. All puddings are wrapped in cellophane and a muslin cloth so they can be boiled as traditional or cut up into slices and microwaved to be heated as individual serves. Best served with a brandy custard.

Australia Day
Holiday 2023
Australia Day is rapidly approaching and we are here to help you with a couple of excellent recipes to get the juices flowing.
With a Mexican inspired ham glaze or a mouth watering lamb baste, you’ll be set for the day!
From the beginning of our journey, we were always mindful of the relationship that Goodwood Quality Meats shared with our community.
We have developed a deep relationship over our time here and have built on this by becoming part of our customers days by providing great meat, value and friendly advice for our customers.
As butchers and small goods makers we compete nationally and internationally and have a swag of medals from across the world.
Our shop features two of South Australia’s five Master Butchers and our pride in everything we do is across all our people.
Our relationships with our suppliers is built on a commitment to great meat and other products all designed to create a great meal.
it’s all about helping our customers enjoy their food, sharing it with a glass of wine or beer and sharing great memories.
it’s why we do what do, every day.